Monday, June 30, 2014

Alright, enough of bagging on them city boys because what all this comes down to is similarity. Like I mentioned in my first post about the article from The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Marital Satisfactionon it is all about common backgrounds and similar social network. Although opposites may attract at the moment it may not in the long run.

Country is not just a fashion look or a hobby its a life style. Those that grew up in the city just would not get it. It is not something you can teach really its a life style you have to embrace. You have to live it, love it, want it, and even look it. In this case opposites just will not attract.

country boy VS city boy

This is a BIG topic! Comment because I want your opinions!

Justin Moore says it extremely well, "He can't even bait a hook." Those city boys have no ability to do the dirty hard work or if they do the are too whinny about it.

Country girls want a man who can work on the car, fix broken things in the house, bale hay, drive the tractor, and work hard no matter what the job is. My favorite part of Justin Moore's Bait a Hook is at the end of the song when he is talking about driving in the pouring rain and they get a flat tire and he doesn't know how to fix it. This is hilarious to me! Even I know how to change a tire. I see this come up with a lot of different city people though. It is just easier for them to pay someone to change their oil or call AAA to fix their tire.

Not that long ago their was no such thing as AAA or paying someone to do work for you. You did it all on your own. That's how you make a living and you better be a hard worker or you are in trouble.

My opinion on city boys is they wear nice dress suites and go to work at an office where they sit around all day on the phone. How is that hard work? Okay, if we are being honest they do work I am sure. Here is the reality when they get home though. They walk in the door sit down and play video games the rest of the night. As for country boys, they are up at three in the morning sometimes and work until its dark to get the job done. They have much higher priorities than those city folk.

I tend to think that the harder a man can work the better he can support his family. I could be wrong on this but it would sure seem that way to me.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Trace Adkins said it best. We all know ladies love country boys. There is something about them that is so attractive. My bet is that it is those wrangler butts. "Wrangler butts drive me nuts!" I don't know about you ladies but the first thing I look for in a guy is his shoes. If he isn't wearing cowboy boots he hardly gets the time of day. My kind of guy is cowboy boots, wranglers, t-shirt, and a cowboy hat. That right there is when you need to ring check and go talk to him.


Us country girls know that the only kind of guy for us is a country boy. From the similar interests, to the way we were raised, to the looks, all of that makes country boys our target. Having similar interesterests is a key factor. I don't know how you feel about it but if a guy doesn't know how to work on a farm or get dirty it is a major turn off. I have realized I have so much more fun with guys that want to go horseback riding for a date, or out mudding, or shoot guns. Having similar interests is a big deal. It has been said that people who are similar in values, backgrounds, and life goals are more likely to have a successful marriage. In the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Marital Satisfaction it is said "Opposites may attract but they may not live together harmoniously as married couples. People who share common backgrounds and similar social networks are better suited as marriage partners than people who are very different in their backgrounds and networks."
There you have it! The more similar interests we have with our significant other the more successful the relationship will be.

I think back to my high school sweetheart the two of us both owned and rode horses. Our date nights were the BEST! We loaded up the horses and went for a late night horse ride up the mountains. First of all, the price tag on that date is free and being in high school or even in college you cannot afford some expensive date. But the price of the date is beside the point. We both extremely enjoyed a horse ride together. Now, I think back over the last year. I have been on quite a few dates and the worst ones were dinner dates. I guess one positive out of that was free food but I did not enjoy a dinner date. I thought it was boring to play the whole you ask a question I ask a question game. Girls, wouldn’t you much rather go shoot clay pigeons or do something fun? Some of my favorite dates are the cheesy creative outdoor ones, for example watching a movie in the bed of a truck with pillows and blankets up the canyon and roasting marshmallows. Don’t tell me that does not sound fun. Even going out mudding and getting dirty is fun. Now, think about those guys that invite you over to play video games. That sounds painful to me. I can’t even play video games I am so bad at it but the reason I say that is I have no interest in it. In this case I don’t think opposites would attract. I think it would cause a very unhealthy relationship.

Where I am trying to get at is country boys do the kinds of things we like to do, ride horses, shoot guns, have bon fires, be outside, and so much more. Country boys are just our kind of boy.